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Anal Beads: About balanitis or inflammation of the penis

Among the most common reasons that lead man to urologist is the Balanitis or irritation/inflammation of the penis. In some cases, this irritation is mild and disappears alone and for a few days. In other cases, such irritation can lead to an infection of the glans or a joint gland infection and foreskin. In the first case there is talk of balanitis; in the second, of Balanopostitis.

The main symptoms to identify balanitis, in addition to the redness of the head of the penis, may be to suffer intense itching, the appearance of red sores in the glans, the bad smell of the glans, the presence of whitish flow in it or the existence of burning or stinging when urinating.

In some cases, balanitis causes it difficult to retract the foreskin. In these cases, it is first of all to go to the Urologist so that it identifies the cause of Balanitis and prescribes adequate treatment against get it from here.

How Anal Beads Work: Causes of Balanitis

Among the causes caused by balanitis, the following stand out:

Bad personal hygiene. Not maintaining proper hygiene in the area can cause the microorganisms of local flora to behave as irritative pathogens. The accumulation of dirt under the skin of the glans increases the risk that in that area proliferate bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms that end up causing balanitis. This evil is more common in non -circumcised men than in circumcised men. To cure this type of balanitis it is important to perform a good hygiene from the intimate area at least once a day.

Allergy to some hygienic product, some fabric of underwear or the latex of condoms. Balanitis suffered for this reason is one of the least serious. To fight it you always have to use cotton underwear, wear soaps that do not irritate the glans and change latex condoms for others that are not manufactured with this material.

Anal Beads

Bacteria infection.

Contagion of a sexually transmitted disease.

Eczema or psoriasis in the area. The men suffering from psoriasis are likely to suffer from balanitis. To avoid it, the hygiene of the area must be extreme and resort to home remedies such as applying a wet compress in cold chamomile tea.

Postcoital hypersensitivity.


Balanitis types

What Are Anal Beads? Among the different types of balanitis we can distinguish:

Candidiasic Balanitis. The glans shows an reddened eruption that can hurt or chop.

Bacterial balanitis. In this case, symptomatology can be very diverse depending on what the agent who has caused it has been. If the Balanitis is by anaerobes, the smelly suppuration and edema of the glans can occur; If, on the contrary, they are aerobic agents who have caused it, the symptoms of balanitis can vary between a small redness of the glans to the appearance of fissures and edema in it.

Herpes Balanitis. In the case of herpes balanitis produced ulcers that become scabs or, their slightest forms, less intense symptoms may appear.

Licen scleroso. In this case, whitish plaques are observed in the glans. These plates, sometimes, can also affect the foreskin. The sclerosus can cause a narrowing of the foreskin that derives in phimosis.

Circined Balanitis. This type of balanitis is commonly associated with pathologies such as reactive arthritis or Reiter's syndrome.

Zoon Balanitis. This type of balanitis, meanwhile, is common in advanced people who do not maintain proper hygiene of their intimate parts. The lack of a correct hygienic habit causes in the glans to appear reddish-orange injuries with clearly delimited edges.

Allergic balanitis. They can have very varied aspects.

Drug Balanitis. A drug can cause an allergic reaction that usually presents its symptoms elapsed between 24 and 48 hours of the administration of the drug in question.

To diagnose balanitis, it is customary to resort to different methods. Among them we could highlight physical examination, biopsy or cystography or cums. On many occasions, urologists also resort to the realization of a crop of prepucial secretion or a urine culture to rule out bacterial, viral or chemical infections.

How To Clean Anal Beads? Among the risks associated with balanitis we can find the following:

It can produce diabetes mellitus.

It can cause immunosuppression.

It can affect the blood irrigation of the tip of the penis and strengthen its hole.

It can increase the risk of penile cancer.

Balanitis treatment

The treatment to be applied against Balanitis or the irritation of the Glande will depend on the causes that have caused it. The correct hygiene of it using neutral soap and water and drying the area is essential to fight the balanitis. In some cases, however, it will be necessary to apply some type of cream. Thus, in cases where balanitis is due to a candidiasis, an antifungal ointment should be applied such as miconazole or clotrimazole. This treatment must be extended for seven days to give results.

In the event that it is suspected that balanitis is due to the transmission of clamidias, the treatment against it will be based on the administration of an antibiotic for an approximate time of a week.

If the person suffers from balanitis frequently due to suffering from phimosis or irreducible paraphymosis, it is usual to practice surgical intervention.

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